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A Commanders Guide To Nahiri The Lithomancer

A Commander's Guide to Nahiri the Lithomancer


Nahiri the Lithomancer is a powerful and versatile commander for white decks in Magic: the Gathering. She offers a variety of abilities that can help you control the board, protect your creatures, and win the game. In this guide, we will discuss the different ways you can build a Nahiri deck and how to play it effectively.

Building a Nahiri Deck

There are many different ways to build a Nahiri deck, but some of the most common archetypes include: * **Aggro:** Nahiri can be a great commander for aggro decks, as her ability to create 2/2 creature tokens can help you quickly overwhelm your opponents. * **Control:** Nahiri's ability to exile creatures and artifacts can help you control the board and protect your own creatures. * **Midrange:** Nahiri is a good choice for midrange decks, as her abilities can help you stabilize the board and win the game in the late game. No matter what archetype you choose, there are some cards that are essential for any Nahiri deck. These include: * **Creatures with evasion:** Nahiri can create 2/2 creature tokens, but they do not have evasion. This means that you will need to include some creatures with evasion, such as Serra Angel, to help you get through your opponents' defenses. * **Removal:** Nahiri's ability to exile creatures and artifacts can help you control the board, but you will need some additional removal spells to deal with threats that she can't handle. * **Card draw:** Nahiri is a powerful card, but she can be expensive to cast. You will need to include some card draw spells to help you keep your hand full.

Playing a Nahiri Deck

Nahiri is a versatile commander that can be played in a variety of ways. Here are some tips for playing a Nahiri deck: * **Use Nahiri's abilities to control the board.** Nahiri's ability to exile creatures and artifacts can help you control the board and protect your own creatures. * **Use Nahiri's abilities to win the game.** Nahiri's ultimate ability can win the game on the spot. You can also use her other abilities to create a powerful board presence and overwhelm your opponents. * **Be careful not to overextend.** Nahiri is a powerful card, but she can be expensive to cast. Be careful not to overextend yourself and leave yourself vulnerable to a counterattack.


Nahiri the Lithomancer is a powerful and versatile commander for white decks in Magic: the Gathering. She offers a variety of abilities that can help you control the board, protect your creatures, and win the game. With the right deck and strategy, Nahiri can be a formidable opponent.
